
Sunday, April 10, 2011

The tortoise beats the hare, right???

Just a quick update.  We finally have news!  We got a call last week from our Case Worker, Mrs. Halliburton, ha!  Our application is complete and we will do our first round of interviews on April 21st.  I am so ready to get started.

I did find out that we don't get to do our seminar until June.  that's further out than I thought, but you know God has  a perfect plan and I just have to trust his timing.\

I also found out that I'm going to be able to get out of coaching, so that I can have a nice normal schedule.  I will be at an elementary, which makes me think of denim jumpers and wooden necklaces, but think I will like it.  I'm pretty excited about the switch.  Maybe at an elementary the kids will be more excited about learning and I can help foster that.  It's also much closer to home and my commute will get cut in half.  I will also pass the mall, Target and ChickFila every day- 3 of my most favorite places.  And please, don't buy me any wooden necklaces.  Only the best sequin appliques for this teacher...